Thursday, February 20, 2020

Zinns Primary Points Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Zinns Primary Points - Essay Example These people are faced by ethnic and religious conflict. Therefore, Zinn’s primary points on this include â€Å"there is no pennant great enough to face the indignity of killing blameless people.† He also observed that in the past, the most terrible things have come up not from insubordination but obedience. Zinn points out that you cannot have a war on violence while violence itself is a war (155). According to Zinn, dispute beyond the law is not an exit from democracy rather, it is enormously essential to it. It is also a notable point that simple actions, once multiplied by millions of citizens can change the whole world (158). He also observes that, and in such a humanity of disagreement, a world of fatalities and executioners, it is the work of rational people, to be against the executioners (355) My thought on these primary points is that Howard zinn had keenly observed and came into a conclusion that, in the modern world people are so much interested in what they can achieve on their own, as well as the struggle to go up the socio economic ladder. Evidently, people have done terrible things out of their own will and hurt so many individuals, all for selfish gains. This could only have avoided. Development of racism Racism exists when a single ethnic group dominates or seeks to exclude another because they have different believes that are hereditary and cannot be altered. Ideological grounds for unequivocal racism came to an exceptional fruition in the west throughout the modern time. However, there is no comprehensible evidence of racism in other cultures. Never the less, Zinn argues that the classification of the Jews with the evil spirit is a sign chauvinistic view of the human race (455). Different cultures are associated with different things and happenings that make the world view them differently. It was during the period of reformation and renaissance that the Europeans met the people from Africa and Asia and the Americans judged the m. Evidently, The Americans viewed Africans as dirty people, an argument that was based on their skin color. Moreover, Americans did not believe in being ruled by Africans because they had a low opinion towards them. The culmination of the history racism emerged in the twentieth century during the racist regime. Apparently, in South America the Africans were denied the right to vote which put them to a subordinate case class. Howard Zinn further observes that extreme racism misinformation is where by black men were seen as greedy monster lusting and running after white women for their money (473). Consequently, there were strict laws against any sexual relations among whites and the so-called black Africans. This evidently brought out the inequity that existed between blacks and the whites hence the whole idea of racism. I strongly agree with Zinn’s Explanation of the development of racism. This is because the idea of racism began as a simple discrimination and ended up creat ing a big gap between cultures. People concentrated on fighting each other. Were it not for this people could live like brothers, which was the initial intention of God. Consequently, the cause of racism is an important factor to be considered because most people are judged according to where they live, cars they drive, and how much they earn. Therefore, this may make people think that the black Africans are generally poor due to their large number in terms of population. On the other hand, racism makes people feel incapable hence do not give their all. In addition, young children who thrive in these areas do not get to relate with kids from other races, which limits them in terms of what they can learn from each other. Major themes raised by Zinn Zinn’

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Public Park Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Public Park - Essay Example It can be used for different types of activities depending on its character. In Cities Mostly public parks are located where children can play and adults can relaxed. So Topic of discussion is Public Park. A Public park is an area of open space provided for recreational use, usually owned and maintained by a local government. Parks commonly resemble savannas or open woodlands, the types of landscape that human beings find most relaxing. Grass is typically kept short to discourage insect pests and to allow for the enjoyment of picnics and sporting activities. Trees are chosen for their beauty and to provide shade. Fig. A Shows graph with negative slope means no of parks decreased with increasing time, Fig. B Shows graph with slope positive slope i.e. no of trees increased with increasing time and Fig. C Shows graph with 0 slope i.e. no change in no of parks with respect to time. To analyze all situations, benefits and risk factor of park should be kept in mind. There always were good reasons for bounding space and there always will be. The ancient reasons for imparking land were both domestic and religious. Unfortunately, The strife, the stress and tension of modern life have made people immune to the beauties of nature. Their life is so full of care that they have no time to stand and stare. They can't enjoy beauty of flowing rivers, swaying trees, flying birds and majestic mountains and hills. Modern parks can have a variety of human-oriented themes. Children can have fun and enjoyment by playing different games. In dense areas, parks are only place where adults can refresh and feel relaxed. Parks can be used for picnics also. Trees play an important role in purifying the air around us. Pollution free atmosphere is very much required for health. On the other hand Safety is in danger due to parks. Anybody can enter park, so by security Point of View, Parks can be dangerous. Visits of people results in wastage and dirty space. If Parks are not maintained properly, insects and other risk increases in that area, which can harm surrounding people. Again noise created disturbs people staying around. In modern cities loose agglomeration of express roads, semi-isolated buildings, free car parking and sprawling urbanization is required. What modern consumer wants are safety, comfort, and convenience. Accessibility for the rich, inaccessibility for the poor. The high walls of modern cities are time and distance. Within these walls, there is no public open space, which bothers the professionals. Conclusion Cities need both. But the two should never be confused. Some of the land should be properly imparked, to make it safe and to make it special. The remainder should be properly