Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Electoral College2 essays

Electoral College2 essays The electoral college is a confusing way of conducting an election. It is a method that has confused me, and many other people for quite some time. The amount of electoral votes that each state is worth depends on how many people that state has in the House of Representatives and then add the two senators. So for instance Maine has 4 electoral votes as compared to Californas 54. In 48 states and in the District of Columbia it is winner take all. Meaning that all the votes these places are worth will go to one candidate. Maine and Nebraska are unique, because the votes they are worth can indeed be split up among the candidates. Many people argue that this is the way each state should work. Many people also disagree. The electoral college has snubbed the overall popular vote winner three times in nations history. In my mind a democracy should run in a manner that would be majority rules. Popular vote would be the best way to choose our nations leaders. If not the best way, than at least fairest way. ...

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Grammar Tips Compound Subjects

Grammar Tips Compound Subjects Grammar Tips: Compound Subjects Verb agreement gets tricky when it comes to compound subjects. Lucky for you, then, we’ve prepared this guide to help you avoid grammatical errors. Check out our advice on the different types of compound subject to find out how to use them in your writing. Subject–Verb Agreement and Compound Subjects The subject in a sentence is typically the thing or person acting. In the following, for example, the subject is â€Å"cat,† since the cat is the thing performing the action. And because there’s only one cat, we use the singular verb â€Å"is† so that the verb and subject agree: The cat is teasing the dogs. If the subject were plural, however, we would use a plural verb instead: The dogs are chasing the cat. But what about a compound subject? In simple terms, this is a subject formed when we join two things with one of the conjunctions â€Å"and,† â€Å"or,† or â€Å"nor.† But whether we use a singular or plural verb with a compound subject depends on which conjunction we use. Canine–feline harmony is a beautiful thing. Compound Subjects Formed with â€Å"And† You should almost always use a plural verb when you have formed a compound subject using â€Å"and.† For example: The dogs and the cat are running around in circles. As the sentence above shows, we even use a plural verb after a singular noun. This is because â€Å"the dogs and the cat† is treated as plural. Compound Subjects Formed with â€Å"Or† and â€Å"Nor† When you form a compound subject using â€Å"or† or â€Å"nor,† the correct verb form depends on the term closest to the verb. When this is a singular noun, we use a singular verb. For instance: Either the dogs or the cat is going to end up at the vet. But when the term closest to the verb is a plural noun, we use a plural verb: Neither the cat nor the dogs are innocent in this situation. As such, the order of the nouns in a compound subject can be important. Singular Compound Subjects There are some special cases where we treat compound subjects formed with the conjunction â€Å"and† as singular. This is usually when two things are typically seen together. For instance: Gin and tonic is my favorite drink. Fish and chips is a traditional British dish. In these cases, we use the singular verb â€Å"is† because â€Å"gin and tonic† and â€Å"fish and chips† are usually treated as a single thing (i.e., the terms are usually used together). Thus, if we used plural verbs in the sentences above, it would seem like we were discussing two separate things. Were suddenly very thirsty. Check online if you’re not sure whether a phrase is singular or plural. And don’t forget to have your work proofread so you can ensure it’s error free.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Nintendo Wii for Women in the UAE Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Nintendo Wii for Women in the UAE - Essay Example This paper believes that Nintendo Wii should find a new market, especially in a foreign market where it is not doing well yet. This paper presents a marketing plan for introducing Nintendo Wii to women in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). The situation analyses will provide the information on why Emirati and non-national women are attractive new market segments for Nintendo Wii. SITUATION ANALYSIS This section will analyse the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats to Nintendo Wii. SWOT Analysis Strengths It is believed that Nintendo President and Director Satoru Iwata is a company strength because he has turned the company around with his support for innovations like Wii and DS (Schilling 2009). He is also a hardware innovator, which makes R&D in Nintendo a core competency also of Nintendo. Another company strength is its wide array of creative products. The company has led the video games industry since 2007, because of its intuitive and socially attractive games. Since 20 07, Nintendo has regained its top 1 market status because of â€Å"rethinking video gaming, making it more social, more intuitive, and physically engaging† (Deshpande and Chua 2008, p.22). Nintendo Wii has become a blockbuster product, because of its ability to physically engage players, embedding them into the gaming experience in intuitive ways. Nintendo has a strong multinational video gaming brand since its Mario Brothers times. With its phenomenal Wii and DS consoles, quality and creative gaming experience is already equated with Nintendo. This brand equity can easily spill over to other markets. Weaknesses Nintendo’s weakness is inventory shortage for its leading products Wii video game console and DS handheld... Center of discussion in this paper is Nintendo Wii and DS, the company's blockbuster products in the beginning of the twenty-first century. In 2006, Nintendo's revenues are $5 billion, but a year after that, it jumped to $9 billion, a rise of 80%. From 2006 to 2009, revenues have risen from $5 billion to $18 billion, which means that sales increased by 260%. For the past two years, however, sales are dipping as Wii, DS, and Dsi are approaching market saturation in the United States. In 2011, Nintendo sold 4.5 million Wii units, which is a far cry from its 2007 sales of 7 million-strong units, and which translates to a drop of 35%. This is not surprising also because of the short product lifecycle of video games consoles and gaming software, where new products, hardware and software alike, are produced every two to three years, sometimes even less. This paper believes that Nintendo Wii should find a new market, especially in a foreign market where it is not doing well yet. This paper presents a marketing plan for introducing Nintendo Wii to women in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). The situation analyses will provide the information on why Emirati and non-national women are attractive new market segments for Nintendo Wii. The main target markets are Emirati women, although other women are included. The Emiratis continue to have a conservative culture that keep women inside their homes, which hamper women's education, employment, and even exercise opportunities.

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Philosophy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 13

Philosophy - Essay Example Happiness can have no other purpose than its own sake. Logically, we can’t desire happiness because we want to be intelligent, smart, successful, or any number of other things. These are things are not as valuable as happiness themselves, because these are the sorts of things that people strive for because they think they can achieve happiness through them. In this way people are using these as a means to an end, and even though this end is happiness, these sorts of things still are not as valuable. For instance, fame and money do not always bring people happiness. Often the case seems to be that the pursuit of these things gets in the way of the pursuit of happiness. People are able to be happy without large amounts of money or being famous, but these don’t make people happy in and of themselves. These things might lead a person to happiness, but happiness will not lead to these things. People also need to seem to have some function. Without a purpose to one’s life, there is no reason to attempt to accomplish anything. People need to feel like they are doing something, because if they feel that they are doing nothing, then there is no real purpose in being. By deliberately attempting to accomplish something, we are able to strive towards happiness. Aristotle felt that people needed to live a life of reason in order to have a purpose. By living a life a reason, it is possible to contribute to one’s own growth as a person, and this is enough to give people purpose. Aristotle was also concerned with virtue. As he saw it, virtue was not simply a matter of having a list of things that could and should be done and a list of things that shouldn’t be done. We must know the reason behind doing things. Take for instance religion. Religion gives people a list of things that should and shouldn’t be done. But religion does not offer reasons for why things

Sunday, November 17, 2019

The War of 1812 Essay Example for Free

The War of 1812 Essay 1. The effects of the War of 1812 on banking, shipping, farming, industry, and transportation. a. The War of 1812 occurred because the British were impeding U. S. shipping. When we won the war, farmers were able to ship their products such as cotton or tobacco overseas. This helped farmers, because they had access to markets. It helped banking because if farmers couldnt ship their products, they had no reason to borrow money. It also helped farmers repay loans they previously got from banks. It helped transportation and shipping, because farmers had to use transportation and ships to get their products to other countries who wanted to buy the raw materials. 2. The â€Å"era of good feelings† as a transitional period. b. Party and sectional divisions fell by the wayside during the â€Å"era of good feelings† with a president who was determined to heal old wounds, but this spirit of unity did not last. Sectional tensions reappeared during the Missouri debates, which brought the issue of slavery and its expansion to the forefront. 3. The causes of the Panic of 1819 and the effects of the subsequent depression on politics and the economy. c. This is a sad tale told many times over the years. America had just got out of the war of 1812. When the war ended, the economy was still based in a war-time production and along with land speculation and little diversification. well, you get a bad recession. We Americans do many things right but there are times we just dont learn. That, my friend, is one of those lessons not learned. 4. The northern and southern arguments during the debates over the admission of Missouri and how they influenced sectional attitudes. d. During the debate over Missouri’s admission, Congressman James Tallmadge of New York introduced an amendment stating that no more slaves could be brought into Missouri and that all slaves born in Missouri after the territory became a state would be freed at the age of 25. 5. The ways in which the Marshall Court changed the status of the federal judiciary and how the Court’s decisions altered the relationships between the federal government and the states and the federal government and business. e. Marshalls Court defined the constitutional standards of the new nation. The great work of the Marshall Court was done in a handful of great cases, especially Marbury v. Madison, McCulloch v. Maryland, Cohens v. Virginia and Gibbons v. Ogden. 6. The reasons why President James Monroe announced his â€Å"doctrine† in 1823 and the impact on international relations at the time. f. The US President, James Monroe, first stated the doctrine during his seventh annual State of the Union Address to Congress. It became a defining moment in the foreign policy of the United States and one of its longest-standing tenets, and would be invoked by many U.S. statesmen and several U.S. presidents, including Theodore Roosevelt, Calvin Coolidge, Herbert Hoover, John F. Kennedy, and others. 7. Presidential politics in the â€Å"era of good feelings† and how they altered the political system. g. There might even be a parallel to the era of good feelings that, in hindsight, can be seen to have existed from 1936 to 1968. Contrast the accomplishments of that erathe winning of the Second World War, the Marshall Plan, NATO, GATT, the GI Bill, interstate highways, and public education, the Civil Rights Actwith the dissension, deadlock, and deficits of the period from 1968 to the present. 8. The reasons why Andrew Jackson was elected in 1828 and the significance of his victory. h. The election of 1828 was significant as it heralded a profound change with the election of a man widely viewed as a champion of the common people. But that years campaigning was also noteworthy for the intense personal attacks widely employed by the supporters of both candidates.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

the count of mountie cristo :: essays research papers

The Count of Monte Cristo I want to begin by introducing you to this great book written by Alexandre Dumas. This novel was published by the Penguin Group in 2001. It was a story full of love, adventure and betrayal. It began as a sweet romance . Then a third party began to reveal his perverse intentions to feed off of the innocent . It was a envy , jealous, and deceit. After the sad and unfortunate body of this suspenseful thriller there was a twist in the story. A great success for our Edmond and his only true love . The main character Edmond Dantes wore many hats in this epic piece. He was a sailor ,a lover ,a friend ,a captain, and a prisoner. After the tragic death of the captain he is honored and promoted to being the new captain . When they return he is regretfully convicted of treason and put into prison for 13 years .He copes with having it all then losing it all by way of the betrayal of a close friend and fellow sailor. .His faith brings him through this troubled storm into a glorious rainbow of blessing that ends this novel with a warm feeling of justice . Edmond Dantes left his beautiful girlfriend Mercedes to board a cargo ship with his trusted and treasured friend . While they are in the foreign island of Elba as the captain was dieing he agreed to deliver a letter for Napoleon , which later finds its way back to haunt him. Due to the fact that his friend was jealous of his new position and beautiful wife and began to sabotage his career . He is convicted of treason when it is brought to the attention of Frances government that he had been collaborating with the foreign emperor Napoleon. He spent thirteen years in prison along side of a priest who in exchange for helping him dig a tunnel for their escape he would teach Edmond how to read and write .He also taught him how to be a masterful swordsmen . Soon after the priest passed after a seizure and Edmond Dantes was left to complete the escape alone , but not as planned . He escaped switching places with the priests body and after being drug out in a body bag and thrown into the icy waters of the bay ,he visited the island of Monte

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

National Security Council Essay

The recent trend characterizing the US security policy is the gradual strengthening of the National Security Council. Under G. Bush administration this body gained significant power and influence. In this paper I’m going to investigate the reasons for this trend as well its advantages and disadvantages. In the international practice, National Security Council is generally defined as an executive body coordinating national security issues. National Security Council consists of the heads of departments involved in diplomacy and defense with a relatively small number of staff members. The US National Security Council was established in 1947 and substantially amended in 1949; the same year it was placed in the Executive Office of the President. The powers and influence of the US NSC has been gradually increasing during the second half of the 20th centuries; this trend is evident presently, too. As for the structure of the council, it is chaired by the President and encompasses Vice President, the Secretary of State, the Secretary of the Treasury, the Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs, the Secretary of Defense, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff as the statutory military advisor to the Council, the Director of Central Intelligence as the intelligence advisor. The Chief of Staff to the President, Counsel to the President, and the Assistant to the President for Economic Policy have a right to be present at any meeting of the Council; others can be invited to attend NSC meeting if appropriate. The functions of the NSC are â€Å"considering national security and foreign policy matters with his senior national security advisors and cabinet officials. † (National Security Council official website, http://www. whitehouse. gov/nsc/) Every President made major or minor change in the powers and functions of the NSC in order to adjust it to his own management style. The ultimate goal of the NSC under Bush administration is to ensure collegiality among different departments coordinating military and diplomatic issues. But the functions of the NSC nowadays are much wider. The expert report that â€Å"the NSC today conducts ongoing relations with the media, Congress, the American public, and foreign governments. † (Daalder & Destler, 2000, A New NSC for a New Administration, http://www. brookings. edu/comm/policybriefs/pb68. htm) Even the official sources define the Council as â€Å"as a means of controlling and managing competing departments† and it’s functioning â€Å"depended in no small degree upon the interpersonal chemistry between the President and his principal advisers and department heads. † (Office of the Historian, Bureau of Public Affairs, History of the National Security Council, http://www. fas. org/irp/offdocs/NSChistory. htm) The NSC is refered to as the â€Å"key foreign policy player in every administration since John F. Kennedy’s. † (Daalder & Destler†¦) I strongly deem that the trend of NSC becoming more influential reflects the general trend of Presidential power becoming more authoritative. The fact that Condoleeza Rice rivals Colin Powell in influence is to a certain extent causes to the relations between Condoleeza Rice and the President. Another reason is that she had been an influential public figure in academic and political circles before joining the NSC. Karl Inderfurth and Loch Johnson (2004, p. 180) in their book Fateful Decisions: Inside the National Security Council states that â€Å"Rice perhaps most closely resembles McGeorge Bundy, of the Kennedy Administration, who was the first non-invisible national-security adviser†¦Ã¢â‚¬  George Bush in the first National Security Presidential Directive stated that â€Å"The NSC shall meet at my direction. † (National Security Presidential Directive, 2001, http://www. fas.org/irp/offdocs/nspd/nspd-1. htm) The positive side of it is that the President can quickly obtain a qualified advice when needed. The negative side is that the NSC is an easy tool for controlling and redefining diplomatic and military policy of the county without consulting other major defense bodies. The same Directive states: â€Å"Except for those established by statute, other existing NSC interagency groups, ad hoc bodies, and executive committees are also abolished as of March 1, 2001, unless they are specifically reestablished as subordinate working groups within the new NSC system as of that date. † George Bush adjusted the Council to his own needs approximately after a year in the office. This is one more important reason why the President relies more on the NSC than on traditional bureaucracy. The structure of the NSC is relatively transparent and clear; it includes a limited number of members, although it has grown in size recently and resembles a governmental agency rather than an advisory committee. I would like to elaborate on another factor that contributes to the situation with the NSC. After the tragic events of 9/11 George Bush established the Office of Homeland Security under the governance of Tom Ridge, the President’s close friend. The functions of the NSC and the OHS often overlap; the possibility of the NSC becoming hegemonic in the sphere of homeland security decreased. Still, its role in the national security is hard to overestimate. Daalder & Destler (2000) propose a clear list of reasons why the NSC evolved in the key agent in defence and foreign policy. They state that it was caused by â€Å"the half-century development and legitimization of the NSC as presidential coordinator for mainstream national security issues†¦[and]†¦the post-cold war expansion of the foreign policy agenda, with more issues that require coordination across more agencies†¦[and]†¦the deepening of partisanship in Washington, particularly over the last decade. † It’s hard to give a solely positive or negative evaluation of this trend. From one angle, the NSC is flexible and is able to react rapidly to any security threat. It may seem rational to grant excessive powers to the NSC. There would be no need to employ the bureaucratic machine of numerous agencies dealing with diplomacy, military aspects and homeland security. The NSC should be organized in such a way so that â€Å"the president can make clear foreign policy choices in a timely manner. † (Daalder & Destler†¦ ) Daalder & Destler study emphasises that the NSC major task is integrating the US foreign and defence policy, and it’s of high importance in the era of global terrorism. From another angle, the NSC is powered by the President, and there exists much space for manipulation. Recently, the NSC doesn’t manage efficiently with coordinating the national security bodies. For instance, some tension exists in relations between the NSC and the agencies like CIA. Now let me proceed with drawing the final conclusion of the paper. There exists a clear trend of the National Security Council becoming more influential and powerful under the George Bush administration; this happens for compelling reasons. The positive or negative evaluation of his trend largely depends on the degree of efficiency of the NSC organization and functioning. References 1. The White House, National Security Council http://www. whitehouse. gov/nsc/ Last accessed: 15 Oct 2004 2. Office of the Historian, Bureau of Public Affairs, United States Department of State, History of the National Security Council, 1947-1997 http://www. fas. org/irp/offdocs/NSChistory. htm Last accessed: 15 Oct 2004 3.National Security Presidential Directive, February 13, 2001 http://www. fas. org/irp/offdocs/nspd/nspd-1. htm Last accessed: 15 Oct 2004 4. The Brookings Institution, Foreign Policy Studies, Daalder, I. H. , Destler, I. M. , A New NSC for a New Administration, Nov 2000 http://www. brookings. edu/comm/policybriefs/pb68. htm Last accessed: 15 Oct 2004 5. Inderfurth, K. F. , Johnson, L. K. 2004. Fateful Decisions: Inside the National Security Council. Oxford University Press.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Traumatic Brain Injury (Tbi)

ABSTRACT Many disabilities can affect people of all ages. Some can be genetic, some can happen to you through accidents, but at the same time, all of them require an understanding of the basic reason behind the problem in order to help those affected by it. As a student I want to share my experiences by doing an experiment, on having Traumatic brain injury (TBI), due to a loss of balance during walking. The experiment will discuss the impact of my simulated disability in my home, school, work and other areas of society or community participation, the development of therapeutic relationships, and the impact on meaningful occupations. Loss of memory and poor concentration reduce the ability to live a normal life. Cognitive deficits after a traumatic brain injury can result in significant functional limitations in all areas of daily living. An individual's ability to simplify learning may be limited, thus making it harder to live independently in the community. There are many different cognitive and physiological disabilities that can affect an individual life and their performance. One of the disabilities that I want to talk about is Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI). The Lenrow, M. D. , David, Joanne Finegan, and Stewart L Cohen. 2001) Website explains, â€Å"Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is a complex injury with a broad spectrum of symptoms and disabilities. The impact on a person and his or her family can be devastating†. Head injuries are a serious problem. Whenever you are dealing with the brain, you want to take everything about the injury very seriously. Since our brain identifies who we are, the consequen ces of a brain injury can affect all aspects of our lives, or even including our personality. An injury in these areas limits the use of a specific part of your body, but your personality and mental abilities remain unaffected. Injuring the brain has different effects on people because it depends on the brain part that was injured. This determines the form of recovery treatment that is necessary for the brain to return to its normal operating condition. A traumatic brain injury is a disability that comes from an injury to the brain. This includes the brain stem that will result in impaired cognitive, physical, or emotional functioning. If there is mild loss of consciousness or disorientation that lasts less than 30 minutes, the injury to the brain s considered mild. Memory or consciousness loss for more than 30 minutes makes a similar injury severe. The same word is used to define an injury where there has been skull penetration and memory loss of 24 hours. Individuals can be left in long-term unresponsive states, and even a small change in brain function can affect a person and their family, job, and social and community interactions. In this case, I want to discus the impact from falling on the floor and hitting my head, which was due to loosing balance while walking. Let me take you back to the day my life changed by a small accident. As I was getting up in the morning, I was tiered and could not open my eyes. As I was getting up from bed I didn’t pay any attention to where I was going and tripped on an object on the floor. As I feel, I bang my head against a wooden filing cabinet and my husband found me on the floor five minutes later on the floor. I was confused, lightheaded, dizzy, with blurred vision, ringing in my ears, and bad taste in my mouth. I did not know where I was, and what was going on. My husband help me get up and help me to made my way through the living room, which was hard because it is so narrow that there is very little space between the couch on one side of the room and the chair on the other. I bumped into the chair, and it was no big deal. I sat in the chair in the kitchen, and I looked confused. Nothing made any sense, my head was pounding and I did not understand what was going on. I was able to recognize the people around me but I forgot how to use certain objects such as a spoon, fork, cup, and knife in order to feed my self. My husband was trying to help me but the look on his face was as if he was frustrated, he wasn’t use to this type of behavior because all his life he was use to me being able to do things for my self and the constant assistance was something new to him. As I was getting ready for school I couldn’t remember how to start the car, everything seemed fragmented and I had to ask a friend or family member to help take me to school. At that time the constant absence of information was starting to become annoying, things that I have been doing all of my life just came to a blank. When getting into school I had difficulty finding my class but was able to ask someone there. During study, it was difficult to focus on different tasks such as reading, listening to lecture or writing something down. According to WebAIM (1999), â€Å"Some individuals have difficulties understanding text. These difficulties may be mild or severe, ranging from minor challenges to a complete inability to read any text. It would be unreasonable to expect web developers to accommodate the entire range of reading abilities†. When going to work I had trouble working certain items such as programs on the computer or changing calls on the phone. As I was aiding the doctor I forgot what routines I had to do in order to prepare the patient and equipment. The Trilogy Integrate Resources Inc (2011) website point out that, â€Å"Individuals with a Traumatic Brain Injury most typically experience problems in basic cognitive skills: sustaining attention, concentrating on tasks at hand, and remembering newly learned material. They may think slowly, speak slowly, and solve problems slowly. They may become confused easily when normal routines are changed or when the stimulation level from the environment exceeds their threshold†. Working environment can be effected in many levels, which can create unpleasant situations and uncomfortable dilemma for me. As a result, after injury, I with TBI may be unable to function well in their social roles because of difficulty in planning ahead, in keeping track of time, in coordinating complex events, in making decisions based on broad input, in adapting to changes in life, and in otherwise being the executive in one's own life. After all, even though I was pretend to have disability of Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) for three hours it is very hard to deal with this kind of disabilities. Having people around you to care for you and help it is very challenging, and at the same time heart braking because if there is no one out there to help you, you are gone for good.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Apartheid Era Pass Laws of South Africa

Apartheid Era Pass Laws of South Africa As a system, apartheid focused on separating South African Indian, Colored, and African citizens according to their race. This was done to promote the superiority of Whites and to establish the minority White regime. Legislative laws were passed to accomplish this, including the Land Act of 1913, the Mixed Marriages Act of 1949, and the Immorality Amendment Act of 1950- all of which were created to separate the races. Under apartheid, pass laws were designed to control the movement of Africans and they are considered one of the most grievous methods that the South African government used to support apartheid. The resulting legislation (specifically Abolition of Passes and Co-ordination of Documents Act No. 67 of 1952) introduced in South Africa required black Africans to carry identity documents in the form of a reference book when outside a set of reserves (later known as homelands or bantustans). Pass laws evolved from regulations that the Dutch and British enacted during the 18th and 19th-century slave economy of the Cape Colony. In the 19th century, new pass laws were enacted to ensure a steady supply of cheap African labor for the diamond and gold mines. In 1952, the government passed an even more stringent law that required all African men age of 16 and over to carry a reference book (replacing the previous passbook) which held their personal and employment information. (Attempts to force women to carry pass books in 1910, and again during the 1950s, caused strong protests.) Pass Book Contents The pass book was similar to a passport in that it contained details about the individual, including a photograph, fingerprint, address, the name of his employer, how long the person had been employed, and other identifying information. Employers often entered an evaluation of the pass holders behavior. As defined by law, an employer could only be a White person. The pass also documented when permission was requested to be in a certain region and for what purpose, and whether that request was denied or granted. Under law, any governmental employee could remove these entries, essentially removing permission to stay in the area. If a pass book didnt have a valid entry, officials could arrest its owner and put him in prison. Colloquially, passes were known as the dompas, which literally meant the dumb pass. These passes became the most hated and despicable symbols of apartheid. Violating Pass Laws Africans often violated the pass laws in order to find work and support their families and thus lived under constant threat of fines, harassment, and arrests. Protest against the suffocating laws drove the anti-apartheid struggle- including the Defiance Campaign in the early 50s and the huge womens protest in Pretoria in 1956. In 1960, Africans burned their passes at the police station in Sharpeville and 69 protesters were killed. During the 70s and 80s, many Africans who violated pass laws lost their citizenship and were deported to impoverished rural homelands. By the time the pass laws were repealed in 1986, 17 million people had been arrested.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

How to Create a Bouncing Bubble Recipe

How to Create a Bouncing Bubble Recipe Just about any bubble solution will produce soap bubbles, but it takes a little extra care to make them strong enough to bounce. Heres a recipe for bouncing bubble solution and tips to keep bubbles from popping on contact. Bouncing Bubble Recipe 1 cup distilled water1 tablespoon liquid dishwashing detergent (I like Dawn)1 teaspoon glycerinBubble wand or straw to blow bubbles Simply mix together the ingredients and store it in a sealed container until youre ready to use it. While the recipe may work with regular tap water, distilled water produces reliable results because it doesnt contain extra minerals that could prevent soap suds from forming. The detergent is what actually forms the bubbles. Glycerin stabilizes the bubbles by making them thicker and reducing how quickly water evaporates. Basically, it makes them stronger and longer-lasting. You may get a little extra oomph from your bubble solution if you place it in the refrigerator to age overnight. Allowing time for the solution to rest after mixing it gives gas bubbles a chance to leave the liquid (which could prematurely pop your bubble). A cool bubble solution evaporates less quickly, which may also protect your bubbles. Blow Bubbles You Can Bounce Blow bubbles! Now, you arent going to be able to bounce them on hot pavement, no matter how hard you try. You need to aim for a more bubble-friendly surface. You can catch and bounce bubbles on the following surfaces: bubble wand, wet with bubble solutiondamp dishgloved hand, especially if you wet it with bubble solutioncool, damp grassdamp cloth Do you see a trend here? A smooth, moist surface is best. If the surface is too rough, it can puncture the bubble. If it is too hot or dry, the bubble will pop. It also helps if you are blowing bubbles on a calm day with high humidity. Windy, hot conditions will dry out your bubbles, causing them to pop. Need even stronger bubbles? Try this recipe for bubbles that wont pop.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

San Miguel Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words

San Miguel - Essay Example There is some fertile land around the country’s capital San Sebastian. An American fruit company has bought a segment of this land for the purpose of cultivating and growing Bananas and citrus fruits, while some part of this fertile land is surrounded by the non-native locals and native Indians. The government grants the tenure of land and perpetuity is adopted to hold leasing. However, the government of this country retains all the rights to the compulsory purchase of the land by showing that either the national interests are being put on stake or the tenant does not possess the capability of cultivating and farming the land in a beneficial manner any more. Â  San Miguel possesses an enormous potential for providing the tourism sites and this sector can be easily added to the economic base of the country which has been discouraged till now by the government bearing foreign capital. However, the government intended to work for the development of the tourism sector with the income of minerals and oil and by understanding to make a strong tourist base to the economy of the state. The mountainous regions of the country hold great potential to serve the tourists and promote winter sports. It provides the opportunities of skiing all around the year and one of the companies in North America already intends to develop the mountainous region of the country by providing winter sports facility to the tourists, and they signify their plans with the building of an airport.

Friday, November 1, 2019

A Critical Reflection Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

A Critical Reflection - Essay Example I realized that I could make some money if I sold some branded wristbands to my friends at margin. Although the venture collapsed shortly thereafter due to lack of sufficient resources, it played a critical role in shaping my life towards always looking for opportunities to satisfy unmet business needs. I believe that success does not come only from working hard but also by seizing opportunities at the right time. Essentially, entrepreneurship requires one to have a knack of identifying the unmet needs, assessing the business potential of an idea and then finally committing to implement the idea. Since my first experience in business at the age of ten, I have made significant efforts to improve my personal organization skills in order to be effective. One of the key areas that greatly influence entrepreneurial success is time management. Planning and productive use of time is essential in helping one to achieve his or her goals (Bird and West 2007). In order to manage my time effecti vely, I always plan my work well in advance and try to follow the schedule accordingly. However, sometimes I do get distracted by other responsibilities such as family issues and deviate from my set plans. Also, private engagements and having fun consume a significant portion of my time which would otherwise be utilized in a more productive manner. Entrepreneurship often involves the pursuit of new and innovative ideas. Thus, an entrepreneur inherently works in a highly stressful and challenging work environment. I have managed to internalize and apply this skill in my life by exercising self awareness of my personal strengths and limitations as I pursue business goals. According to Rae, interpersonal interaction is a core component of entrepreneurship capabilities (Blenker et al 2012). Business inevitably involves interactions with people of various backgrounds. For instance, a businessman has to interact with customers, competitors, suppliers, government authorities and other stak eholders. In my daily endeavors, I always aim at growing my network of social and industry contacts. I have learnt that it is through interactions with people that I am able to find out what is important to them and understand the situation from their perspectives. This is fundamentally important for an entrepreneur as it helps one to gain comprehensive understanding of the customer and lays the foundations for creating a product that perfectly addresses the needs of the clients. Teamwork is essential in entrepreneurship since the tasks involved are often enormous and difficult for a single individual to handle (Clarke and Robin 2010). Working in teams requires the leader to rally individuals to towards the attainment of a common goal. Negotiations are also critical as part of interpersonal interactions since an entrepreneur has to bargain for the best deals possible. From the entrepreneurship module, I have that negotiations require proper planning, clear goals and patience (Robson 2010). These components are important since they help one to get the best results from any negotiation and reach a favorable agreement. Teece (2010) noted that an idea remains simply an idea unless it is rigorously assessed to ascertain its potential value. Imperatively, it is foolhardy to rush into executing a business a idea before investigating its viability. The first step of entrepreneurship is coming up with new or better ideas to solve challenges in the society. It is evident from the learning in this module that once an opportunity has been identified, the entrepreneur should investigate and develop options for exploiting the opportunity. It is also necessary for one to entrepreneur to identify how the available resources